Tonnes of waste processed

Tonnes of waste processed

Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale Director of Infrastructure Reza Najafzadeh, Shire President Michelle Rich and Manager of Waste and Fleet Matthew Pennington.

Residents have embraced the waste facilities on Watkins Road, according to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

The Watkins Road Waste Transfer Station and Recycling Centre saw an average of 750 vehicles accessing the facility each week in the first six months of operation.

Since the facility officially opened last November, the centre has processed 635 tonnes of hard waste and a further 300 tonnes of green waste.

The station has played a key role in the shire’s efforts to grow a cleaner and greener environment, with 40 per cent of hard waste processed at the facility diverted away from landfill and recycled.

During the first six months the facility collected more than 2800 tyres, 1000 mattresses, 198 tonnes of scrap metal, 28 tonnes of cardboard, 20 tonnes of E-waste and 10 tonnes of batteries, all of which were diverted away from landfill.

Shire President Michelle Rich said the results reflected the community’s support for the transfer station and recycling facility.

“It’s wonderful to see so many shire residents making the most of this excellent facility,” she said.

“These initial results are extremely pleasing and I’m excited to see the facility take even more steps forward over the next six months and beyond.

“With the facility now open Sundays, our community can access it four days a week, and the great thing for Shire residents is that it is free for them to use, with unlimited visits all year round.”

The establishment of the Watkins Road Waste Transfer Station and Recycling Centre was an action of the Shire’s Waste Management Strategy 2020-2024.

The Shire plans to have a Tip Shop at the facility over the coming years.

A free Trailer Hire Service, Free On Demand Waste Collection Service and Fee Payable On Demand Waste Collection Service are all available from the Shire with conditions applied.

The facility’s opening hours are 7.30 to 6.30pm Thursday through Saturdays with last entry at 6.15pm.
Additional hours on Sunday from 9am to 5pm (last entry 4.45pm) were added last month.

The facility is closed on public holidays.