Group ‘bombs’ SJ

Group ‘bombs’ SJ

Jan Booth and Sophia Bowers with their creations in Jarrahdale. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen

Lampposts, store entrances, patio posts and soon a tree are all being ‘yarn bombed’ in Jarrahdale to bring some colour and life to the grey spots of the town.

The Jarrahdale Community Collective (JCC) have tasked themselves with the unique art of ‘yarn bombing’ which is a form of street art that uses yarn and fabrics to brighten up areas of the community.

JCC member Jan Booth said their task is in honour of one of the original members of their Unwind Group Kelle Chamberlain.

“One of the original members of the Unwind group, Kelle Chamberlain was diagnosed with a brain tumour in 2020 and before she sadly passed away she donated her collection of wool to the group,” she said.
“This year we decided that we would like to brighten up our community in a way that would utilise the skills of the Unwind group and celebrate Kelle’s life.

“I had seen yarn bombing in Fremantle and other areas and decided that it would be something that we would like to bring to Jarrahdale.”

The group began with the JCC Hub at Bruno Gianatti Hall on Munro Street, creating a more welcoming front entrance.

“We then decided to expand into the community, Jim and Kerry at the Heritage trading post kindly let us Yarn bomb at the entrance to the post office,” Mrs Booth said.

“Wendy at the General Store and Cafe let us “bomb” the lamppost there as well as one of the patio posts at the Jarrahdale Bushfire station.”

According to Mrs Booth there are many grey posts in Jarrahdale that the JCC are slowly brightening up.

The next projects will be a post at the Jarrahdale tavern and the next ‘big’ project is a tree at the fire station.

“We encourage people to explore Jarrahdale and see if you can spot where we have been,” Mrs Booth said.