Gosnells author thrilled with new novel

Gosnells author thrilled with new novel

Gosnells author Barbara Gurney has announced the release of her latest novel, Doors of Prague.

Last year’s COVID-19 lockdowns gave Gosnells author Barbara Gurney plenty of time and determination to write her latest book.

Since 2008, Ms Gurney has written three poetry collections, three short story collections, and six fictional stories.

Her 12th publication, Doors of Prague, centres around a grief-stricken protagonist (Gillian), who decides to drop everything and travel to Prague.

Gillian goes on an extraordinary journey of discovery, which helps her to overcome immense pain and sadness.

Through writing the book, Ms Gurney sought to pay homage to the Czech Republic and its storied history.

“My son and his family live in Prague, and I have been there many times,” she said.

“I saw this as an opportunity to drop some information about the Czech Republic into one of my novels.”

Ms Gurney will be hosting a special author talk/book launch event at the Lyal Richardson Hall, from 1pm to 3pm on Saturday, April 10.

Booking for the event are essential, as places are limited.

Ms Gurney said she would like to thank the Gosnells Writers Circle, the City of Gosnells’ library services, and Daisy Lane Publishing for their support.