Gosnells charges ahead

Gosnells charges ahead

Mayor Terresa Lynes and staff with the new hybrid vehicles.

Gosnells Council has bought four new hybrid vehicles, with more on the way, as part of the city’s efforts to reduce fuel consumption and carbon emissions.

The vehicles include replacement light fleet passenger vehicles and a two-tonne truck that will be used for sign and pedestrian guard rail replacement and maintenance.

Mayor Terresa Lynes said the City made the decision last year to reduce its reliance on fossil fuels.

“With the high price of fuel, introducing hybrid and electric vehicles will significantly reduce the City’s fuel use and make the fleet more affordable to run,” she said.

“While hybrid and electric vehicles have been around for a while, the time is right to make this change to make our City more sustainable – both environmentally and financially.”

The switch to hybrid and electric vehicles is one of many ways the council is working to become more sustainable, including the installation of solar panels and LED lighting in City facilities, using renewable energy at the City’s highest energy-consuming sites and working to improve tree canopy coverage and regenerate bushland.