Community concert attracts hundreds

Community concert attracts hundreds

Joi Ride Christmas Party Band performed at this Serpentine Jarrahdale Community Concert. Photograph - Aaron Van Rongen.

Despite the harsh summer temperature, about 300 residents gathered for the annual Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community concert last Friday evening. 

Held at Jarrahdale Oval, the concert had something for everyone with entertainment by Joi Ride, photographs with Santa and a free sausage sizzle cooked by the members of the Byford and Districts Rotary Club.

Shire President Michelle Rich said the concert offered residents a great opportunity to come together as one to join in the festivities. 

“Christmas is a time of the year when people typically get out and about for these kind of events and it was fantastic to see such a strong turn-out last week,” she said.

“It was also great to see the level of buy in the concert had from different community groups, which included members from several local bushfire brigades, Neighbourhood Watch volunteers, local police and many other groups, in addition to hundreds of members of the community.” 

Photographs – Aaron Van Rongen.