Young people can have their say on the environment

Young people can have their say on the environment

WA Commissioner for Children and Young People Jacqueline McGowan-Jones

Locals aged under 18 are being encouraged to share their views on the environment in the ‘Your Environment: Your Say’ survey launched by WA Commissioner for Children and Young People Jacqueline McGowan-Jones.

The survey is a chance for children and young people to have their say about how we care for the environment in Western Australia.

Topics covered include littering, caring for the natural environment and what we can do to protect our environment for the future.

The Commissioner said although many children and young people were passionate about or involved in environmental causes, she hoped to source a range of diverse perspectives from people of all ages and abilities across the state.

“When I speak to young people, one of their top concerns is the environment and climate change so I wanted to give children and young people across the state a chance to express their views in more detail on this important topic,” she said.

“I’d encourage parents and those who work in child-related organisations to consider sharing the survey link with children during the school holidays – make it a fun activity for the family to take part in for the younger ones who may need some assistance – it’s simple and doesn’t take long to complete.

“I look forward to hearing the views of our children and young people and reporting on the findings next year.”

The survey closes on Sunday, 4 February. To fill out the survey, click here

For more information visit the Commissioner’s website,