Win for Armadale in latest funding round

Win for Armadale in latest funding round

Roleystone's Cross Park lighting upgrades are set to go ahead

The communities of Roleystone, Armadale and Piara Waters are the winners from the federal government’s latest round of the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure funding.

The program supports all Australian councils to deliver priority projects in their region. Projects funded under the program need to deliver benefits to the community, such as improved accessibility, visual amenity and safety benefits.

The City of Armadale was allocated $953,448 under phase four of the grant funding.

At the October 16 council meeting, councillors voted for Gwynne Park, Cross Park and the Piara Waters Oval to each receive a piece of the nearly-million-dollar pie.

Council officers collated a list of projects which had not yet been fully funded and ranked them according to their priority.

A sum of $350,000 will be allocated to upgrade the Gwynne Park Tennis Club lights.

Another $350,000 will go towards extending or duplicating the carparking at the Piara Waters Oval in line with community feedback and safety concerns.

And the final $253,448 will be used to get the Cross Park lighting upgrade off the ground. The City of Armadale was successful in its earlier bid for a grant of nearly $100,000 for the Roleystone project under the state government’s Club Night Lights program. The two grants combined ensure plans to replace the metal halide lights with an LED system up to 100Lux will proceed.

Unfortunately, the Alfred Skeet and Armadale Golf Club carpark upgrades were pipped at the post on the project priority list. As was the Fancote playground renewal.

Projects funded under Phase 4 are expected to be completed by 30 June 2025.