Water stations make a splash for birds

Water stations make a splash for birds

Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos using the Cockitrough bird waterer at Mills Park.

Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos at Mills Park now have a reliable fresh water source for hot summer days.

Gosnells Council installed a bird waterer called a Cockitrough at the park in 2022, providing water high off the ground to offer better protection from predators and people.

This summer, City staff recorded the threatened Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos using the water source.

Mayor Terresa Lynes said the nearest Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoo roost site to Mills Park was about 2km away.

“Forest Red-tailed Black Cockatoos and other species such as wattle birds have been recorded using the waterer regularly this summer, including on days of extreme heat,” she said.

“As our climate changes and pressures on bird populations increase, supporting our local wildlife with measures such as this becomes even more important.

“The City plans to install at least two more bird waterers near known black cockatoo roosts and is considering future sites across the City.”

The next site is Mary Carroll Park, which provides habitat for a large number of bird species.

“The Friends of Mary Carroll Wetland have reported black cockatoos foraging at the renowned wetland throughout summer and a new waterer will provide a constant water source, even when the wetland dries out during warmer months,” Ms Lynes said.

Cockitrough waterers were originally designed by staff at the Town of Victoria Park, demonstrating the cooperation between local governments in environmental protection