Tree goes blue for awareness

Tree goes blue for awareness

Daragh Galvin took part in the Blue Tree Project. Photograph – Jasmine Crabbe Photography.

A dead white gum tree has been given a new lease on life thanks to the efforts of more than 150 volunteers and numerous tins of blue paint.

The 14-metre high tree at Jarrahdale Equestrian Centre was painted a vibrant blue on Sunday and Monday in a bid to shine some light on mental health and wellbeing.

Centre owner Salli Galvin heard about the Blue Tree Project through a friend and thought it was the perfect idea for the dead tree.

The project was a grassroots awareness movement that encouraged people to start difficult conversations and open up if they were suffering from depression or anxiety.

It was inspired by a story told at Jayden Whyte’s funeral, a man who tragically took his own life in November 2018.

The tree at Jarrahdale Equestrian Centre received a new lease on life earlier this week. Photograph – Jasmine Crabbe Photography.

Mrs Galvin said the project attracted 160 people to help out with the mammoth painting efforts.

“The kids went to town and the tree and everyone else dogs included were painted blue,” she said.

“We only had to do one thick coat and it will last 10 years before we need to top it up.”

Mrs Galvin said the project would not have been possible without the support of Advanced Tree Services and Western Australia Cherry Picker Hire who assisted in getting the tree ready and helping paint on the day.

“These boys gave up their time for free to help us paint the top of our tree,” she said.

“They turned a hard and dangerous job into a safe simple one and I thank them very much.”

The event raised $2015 for the Blue Tree Project, with a major donation coming from Felicity and Paul Webb from Cornwall House Accommodation in Kojonup.

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