Stumps get art work

Stumps get art work

man charged
Aboriginal artworks.

Gosnells Cricket Club along with other local clubs received a splash of Aboriginal artwork this month.

Cricket stumps are looking different thanks to an initiative to encourage more Aboriginal participation in cricket.

The Aboriginal Artwork Middle Stump Initiative provides cricket clubs with a middle stump featuring local Aboriginal artwork.

The sale of the stumps will be going towards the Aboriginal Cricket Fund to support and encourage Aboriginal players.

Gosnells Cricket Club president Ross Leipold said the club jumped on board with the initiative immediately.

“We want to be really inclusive, give them every opportunity in coaching and help them become better cricketers,” he said.

“There are a lot of young Indigenous boys and girls that feel as if they can’t walk into a club and feel welcome and that needs to change.”

Mr Leipold also talked about his past good experiences with talented Aboriginal players such as local and international cricket player D’arcy Short.

Fifteen-year-old Cooper Smith who is the only Aboriginal player in his team said the middle stump initiative is a good idea.

“It gets everyone involved in the community, lets everyone know about heritage of Aboriginal people and respect the land that we are playing on,” he said.