Students’ virtual run takes them to Brisbane

Students’ virtual run takes them to Brisbane

Year seven student Jack Mallabone ran the most kilometres at a virtual cross-country carnival.

More than 200 St Norbert College staff and students participated in a virtual cross-country carnival collectively running 4,785.6 kilometres.

Each participant was entitled to record their kilometres through an online application, that allows you track your running and riding with a GPS.

The distance they covered was equivalent to running from the school in Queens Park all the way to Brisbane, Queensland.

With all sports banned at the school, the physical education department created a virtual version of the school’s annual cross-country competition – with the winner being a year seven student who ran 476.5km in isolation over a five-week period.

Canning Vale resident Jack Mallabone recorded both the highest individual total of 476.5kms (only 1.9kms ahead of year nine student Ethan Powe) and the most individual runs with 92.

“The cross-country competition was a great way for me to maintain my fitness during isolation,” he said.

“I feel really fortunate to be able to run, I have a young brother who is disabled and is unable to run.

“I wish he was able to run and experience how good running makes you feel, even after a bad day.

It was rewarding seeing my activity on the app and I was continually challenged by my fellow Xanten team member Ethan Powe, who was always on my heels.”

However, Jack who set himself a goal of eight kilometres per day, said it was never about winning for him.

“The longest distance I have run at one time is 15km, I also walked 31.2km with my granddad,” he said.

“We walked from my grandparents’ house into the city, along the river, turned around at Elizabeth Quay and walked home.

“I was motivated with the support and encouragement from my family.”

During the five-week period Jack walked around the Windan and Narrows bridges, and on other days he would also take his dog for long walks around his neighbourhood.

Although the virtual cross-country competition was fun, Jack, who is also junior football player during the winter time, said he really can’t wait to step foot once again in the footy fields this year.