Langford under seige

Langford under seige

A local resident collected some of the items that were thrown at a bus by young children earlier this month.

Terrifying incidents within the Langford community and neighbouring suburbs continue to escalate, disrupting community safety.

Petrol bombs in the street, smashing bottles, throwing rocks at cars and buses, attempted assaults on students and adults are only some of the incidents residents have witnessed in the area.

A Langford resident, who chose to remain anonymous, said she had been living in the area for many years and was now living in constant fear of leaving her house.

“When I first moved in the area, everyone knew each other, we would stop to say hello, we would walk around the streets and we would have kids playing sports and interact with each other, but now as soon as it is 5pm all the doors shut, everyone goes inside and nobody talks to anyone – we shouldn’t have to live like that,” she said.

The Langford resident, who is now in her early 50s and who has previously suffered a heart attack, said she is completely traumatised and refuses to leave her home of 20 years.

“On Sunday night I was witness to another incident in our area, when a 17 or 18-year old boy stomped on a man’s face,” she said.

“I was traumatised to see someone stomp on someone else’s face that hard, his nose bent across the other side of his face.

“There was also a six-year-old boy who witnessed the assault.

“On another occasion a couple of year nine students coming from Lynwood were getting off the bus when a couple of boys smashed some bottles on the back of their shoulders for no reason.

“The boys were shaking and left traumatised but I didn’t see any blood after they all ran away.

“We have rung the police, the council, the department of communities and even the water corporation as well because some kids turned a hose on and put it in the bin in a bus stop and ran away.”

“For the month of March, our community has counted 16 times where police have attended one house in Langford where some of these underage kids lived, something needs to be done.”

Cannington Police officer in charge, senior sergeant Ray Anderson said police were aware of the house in crisis and are liaising with the Department of Child Protection and the housing authority.

Mr Anderson confirmed there are a number of underage children living in the property but also said not all incidents in the area involved these children.

“We encourage everyone in the community to report these incidents, you are not alone.

“We understand that it is frustrating for the community but we just have to allow the process to take over.

“I know the City of Gosnells is looking into this as well and we do talk to each other and share information.”

A man from Queensland, who has been living in Langford since February, said the situation in the local area is “pretty full on”.

“Since I’ve been here there has been stabbing, two main assaults, underage kids stomping on a man’s head and smashing bottles in the middle of the night.

“About 10.30pm on Monday night there were kids, not even 10-yearsold, throwing bottles on the street, as soon as police patrols appeared in the area, they left.

“I also witnessed an incident last week when I saw a man on the floor that had just been assaulted by some kids, they stomped on his head and the only thing that stopped these kids from having a second go at him was me who stood in front of the guy.

“I called the ambulance and someone who witnessed the whole
event was called to give a statement.

“There is no supervision of these kids, they all seem to live in the same house that’s causing chaos in the local area.”

City of Gosnells mayor David Goode said local residents have reached out to fellow councillors to express their concerns about what has been happening in Langford Avenue.

“The city has been alerted to a number of incidents regarding antisocial behaviour and other matters at a Langford Avenue property and has referred these matters to the Cannington Police,” he said.

“Criminal issues involving young people are often complex matters that require the involvement of various state government agencies,” he said.

“While local governments have no authority to deal with criminal behaviour, the city liaises closely with police and a number of state government agencies that work with families and young people in an effort to reduce criminal and antisocial behaviour and provide support services.

“The city continues to encourage community members to report criminal acts to the WA Police Force.”