Public meeting called: Soldiers Road closure proposal

Public meeting called: Soldiers Road closure proposal

File photograph. ©Depositphotos.

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale will hold a public meeting next week to discuss the possible closure of a portion of Soldiers Road in Mundijong near Serpentine Jarrahdale Grammar School.

The meeting will be held on February 9 from 6pm to 8pm at the Mundijong Pavilion in Cockram Street, Mundijong.

This week Examiner Newspapers revealed plans to close a section of Soldiers Road between Bishop Road and the future district centre.

The closure was part of an amendment to the Mundijong Whitby District Structure Plan and was designed to accommodate the continued use of the Kwinana Freight Rail Link.

The proposal is open for public comment until February 19.

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