Resident could get a win over level crossing

Resident could get a win over level crossing

Local resident Ken Brown believes the current plans for the Eleventh Rd level crossing removal will create safety issues.

There’s been movement at the station, or level crossing, to be exact.

Last week The Examiner published an article about local resident Ken Brown’s concerns that current plans for the Eleventh Road level crossing removal were an accident waiting to happen. See The Examiner, “Someone will get killed”

Top of the list was worry that the intersection between Eleventh Rd and the South Western Highway would not be able to cope with the increase in traffic once the road was closed for the level crossing construction, and the Byron Rd level crossing was closed permanently in the nearby industrial estate. A set of traffic lights was posed as a simple solution to the problem.

We reached out to Metronet for comment but did not receive a reply before going to print. They have since responded:

“Work is currently underway to investigate traffic lights at the Eleventh Road, South Western Highway intersection,” a Metronet spokesperson said.

“Any upgrading works will need to be implemented before the permanent closure of Byron Road rail crossing.”

“Construction of the Eleventh Rd bridge (planned to commence in late-2023) will be staged to minimise disruption and it is expected that the temporary closure of Eleventh Rd will occur in mid-2024.

“During this time, ongoing access during emergencies in the vicinity of Eleventh Rd will be managed by the Alliance and the relevant local authorities.”

Ken Brown welcomed the investigation into traffic lights, but added that he hoped to receive a decision as soon as possible.

“And I stress that the traffic lights must be in there before any road closures happen,” he said.