Local artists to throw open their studio doors to the public

Local artists to throw open their studio doors to the public

Bronwyn Brims’ artwork is a celebration of black cockatoos and WA’s south western forests, drawing awareness to threatened species.

The hills will come alive this weekend as local artists throw open their studios to give the public an intimate peek at their creative process.

The Armadale Hills Open Studio Art Trail began in 2015 instigated by local Bedfordale artist Sue Doorey.

Sue Doorey is an abstract painter using acrylics, soft media and collage. Photograph – Zyg Waltersdorf

The event has been enthusiastically developed by a creative group of local artists and has quickly established itself as a key cultural tourism initiative in the region.

The initial pilot Open Studio Arts Trail in 2015 included 11 local studios with 20 participating artists, including a group Open Studio at the Armadale Society of Artist’s Art House.

The Armadale Society of Artists will be displaying a collection of artworks in various mediums and styles. Photograph – Zyg Waltersdorf.

This year the trail covers 20 studios with over 40 artists involved and hopes to attract up to 4000 visitors.

On the Trail you’ll discover an extraordinary range of art practices and art people nestled amongst the stunning natural beauty of the Armadale hills environment.


Robert Walker : “The sculptures I create are of the local flora and fauna found in WA and are all hand made by me in my workshop, which visitors will be able to see. I will show you the tools I use to make my art and explain the steps taken from an idea in my head to the end result being the steel sculpture.”

The studios are diverse showcasing an extraordinary array of beautiful artwork including; painting, pastels, textiles, ceramics, stoneware, sculpture, glass, and woodturning.

As you’re making your way around the area, look out for the blue banners and Trail signage to help you find the studios.

Bedfordale’s Trudi Pollard is seen as a textile expert on Western Australian natural dyes. Photograph – Zyg Waltersdorf 

The City of Armadale said they’re delighted to be hosting The Armadale Hills Arts Trail once again, from November 10-19.

“We are pleased to have six new artists joining the Trail this year, alongside two collectives: the Aboriginal Artist Collective and the Armadale Society of Artists. The city is proud to be hosting such a range of talented artists, who are excited to share their work with the wider community,” Mayor Ruth Butterfield said.

Visitors can pick up a free program from the Perth Hills Armadale Visitor Centre. Programs, maps and more information can also be found at armadalehillsartstrail.com

Liz Fitzpatrick is a ceramic artist and hand building teacher, working and teaching from the picturesque Waterwheel Gallery in Bedfordale.