Half of WA residents die without a will

Half of WA residents die without a will

Hugh Jones MLA and Matthew Swinbourn MLC chatted with residents.

On Friday, some 80 local residents packed into the Byford & Districts Country Club to get expert advice about some of life’s most difficult decisions, at Hugh Jones MLA’s Wills Forum.

Not knowing where to start can be one of the many reasons that so many West Australians – as many as 50 per cent, according to statistics – reach the end of life without a legal will in place.

With this in mind, local member Hugh Jones made it easy for Darling Range residents to get the facts, engaging Parliamentary Secretary to the Attorney General Matthew Swinbourn and Eureka Lawyers Legal Practice Director Alex Illich as expert speakers at the free event.

Mr Swinbourn cut through the legal jargon to give attendees a comprehensive overview of the steps they could take to make the final decisions on matters important to them.

He presented on topics including wills, enduring power of attorney and enduring power of guardianship.

Attendees enjoyed morning tea before a chance to have their questions answered.

After morning tea and a chance to socialise, Mr Swinbourn was joined at the microphone by Eureka Lawyers Alex Illich to take questions from the audience, responding to a sea of hands eager for advice.

Question time gave an opportunity for the speakers to shine, as they spoke to the individual circumstances of each questioner, ranging from divorce and remarriage, to important considerations and safeguards when making arrangements for a family member living with a disability.

“I am so grateful to the speakers for guiding us through these sometimes-daunting topics, and giving our residents a starting point to ensure their loved ones understand their wishes and what matters most to them,” Mr Jones said.

“The community response at my Wills Forum shows how invaluable this knowledge is, and I hope attendees now have the tools and confidence to take control of their decisions for the future.”

Eureka Lawyers Alex Illich and Matthew Swinbourn MLC taking questions from the audience.