Grab a snag, meet the locals and chat about local issues

Grab a snag, meet the locals and chat about local issues

Neighbourhood Watch representative Thelma York, Mundijong Police Sergeant Andy Allison and Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale community development officer Janice Ferguson are looking forward to meeting members of the community during the upcoming Community Barbecue series.

Residents within the Serpentine Jarrahdale region will be able to meet, ask questions and provide feedback to local police and shire staff in a relaxed, informal setting starting from next week. 

The shire will be hosting a series of community barbecues in the suburbs of Oakford, Byford, Keysbrook, Jarrahdale, Whitby, Mundijong, Cardup and Serpentine in a bid to help build safer communities. 

Representatives from Neighbourhood Watch, Bush Fire Ready Group, local fire brigades and Mundijong Police will also be there to talk to the residents about any concerns they have in their neighbourhood. 

Shire president Michelle Rich said the shire has hosted a community barbecue series every year since 2013 and each year there has been an increase in participation. 

“Many residents feel more comfortable seeking information from the local police, Neighbourhood Watch and the shire’s emergency services and community safety team in a positive and informal setting,” she said. 

“The events also allow us to build stronger relationships with our community. 

“Residents unable to attend a community barbecue can stay up to date with community safety by subscribing to Neighbourhood Watch’s eWatch newsletter.” 

For more information about each event visit the shire’s website or call 9526 1111.