Funding grants help two sporting clubs build new home

Funding grants help two sporting clubs build new home

Roleystone Karragullen Cricket Club players Brett Turner and Connor Cousins (left and right), Roleystone Netball Club players Summer and Emma Hough (middle) with Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie and Minister for Sport senator Bridget McKenzie. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Ten years of fundraising has paid off for two of Roleystone’s oldest sporting clubs after they were given the green light this week for a state-of-the-art home of their own. 

Roleystone Karragullen Cricket Club and Roleystone Netball Club have spent the past decade selling raffle tickets and chocolates, bringing in sponsorship and flipping sausages on the barbecue to raise $250,000 for a much-needed pavilion at Cross Park. 

The donation this week was met with a $500,000 grant from the Federal Government, along with a further $169,764 provided by the City of Armadale. 

Cricket club president John Lewis said the new facility would be purpose-built with change rooms to suit the modern needs of both female and male participation. 

“The support recently from Andrew once he heard of our journey, as well as our efforts on and off the field to raise our $250,000 contribution and grow our junior and women’s program has been outstanding. 

“This project is now a reality and it’s vindication for the dedication, selfless giving and hard working nature of our club.” 

Roleystone Netball Club president Sharron Hough said the decision to build a new facility meant the club would have a home for the first time in its 43-year history. 

“At the moment it is hard to get parents involved because it is a matter of drop and run with nowhere to stay and the girls have to use the toilets or the car as somewhere to change,” she said. 

“I think for the club as a whole, it will mean more camaraderie and a place of belonging.” 

Minister for Sport Senator Bridget McKenzie and Federal Member for Canning Andrew Hastie met with members of both clubs on Tuesday to announce the funding. 

Ms McKenzie said it was great to be able to give money to clubs that have a vision for how they are going to serve their community and future generations of young athletes. 

“To be able to provide a half a million dollars towards their desire to set up a clubhouse and change rooms that will support not just the existing players but the tsunami of interest, particularly from young women and juniors, is amazing,” she said.