Festival a feast of food and fun

Festival a feast of food and fun

Flashback to 2021’s SJ Multicultural Festival. More than 10 percent of SJ locals speak a foreign language.

Serpentine Jarrahdale’s diversity and multiculturalism will be in the spotlight at the shire’s Harmony Night Festival later this month.

Capping off Harmony Week with a bang, the festival on March 22 will be a community celebration of all the different backgrounds and nationalities that make the SJ community a great place to live.

Residents are invited to join in the fun with a range of cultural dance performances, market stalls and delicious food from across the globe on offer.

Serpentine Jarrahdale is one of the fastest-growing local government areas in Australia, with multiple new families making SJ their home every single week.

This rapid growth means the shire is home to a wide range of backgrounds, each of which offers a new perspective and helps bring a depth of culture to SJ.

More than 10 percent of SJ locals speak a language other than English in the home, with large chunks of the population including German, Scottish, Indian, Dutch and Irish nationalities.

Harmony Week is held during the week that ​includes 21 March, which is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

The Wednesday prior to the Harmony Night Festival will see the Shire hold a special Citizenship Ceremony where 47 people from all over the world will officially become Australian citizens.

The Festival itself will include displays from a variety of different countries. Residents are invited to bring a picnic blanket along and enjoy a celebration of culture.

The Harmony Night Festival will be held at Kalimna Oval on Kardan Boulevard in Byford from 5-8pm on Friday, March 22.