Dockers star on hand

Dockers star on hand

Dockers player David Mundy entertaining little Levi Sharpe. Photograph - Richard Polden.

It was a case of ‘meet your idol’ last week when local families met Dockers’ star David Mundy. 

The father of two was on hand to open Freo Kids Early Learning in Kelmscott last Thursday in support of the team’s partnering with Freo Early Learning. 

“Having young kids myself, I know what a huge role a good day care centre plays. 

“The growth they achieve through the social interactions with the carers and the other children, it’s something that’s really valuable to the parents,” he said. The partnership aims to help children develop physical literacy, healthy eating habits and team achievements. 

Freo Kids Early Learning Kelmscott held its official opening day March 5, more than one month since they started taking enrolments.