Colourful letterbox stolen, owner appealing for answers

Colourful letterbox stolen, owner appealing for answers

The letterbox was stolen from a Roleystone property earlier this month.

The owners of a colourful letterbox, which has been positioned on a Roleystone verge for the past four years, are appealing to those who stole it to return it. 

Roleystone resident Sally Rainoldi told The Examiner she first noticed the large sculpture, previously used as a Pokemon GO stop, was missing from her garden bed on Holden Road on February 18. 

“It was given to us by a friend and my daughter took great pleasure in painting it,” she said. 

“Her dad died about eight years ago and it has been great therapy for her and we have had a lot of backpackers stay with us over the years and they have helped paint it as well.” 

Ms Rainoldi said it would have taken at least two people to remove it as it weighs more than 60 kilograms and has been embedded in the ground for a number of years. 

“It is about the size of a pony with the body being a 44 gallon drum so they would have needed a trailer or a ute to take it away,” she said. 

“Whoever has it they are probably not brave enough to bring it back, they will probably just dump it somewhere but it has a lot of meaning to our family and I just want it back.” 

Ms Rainoldi has shared the news on a number of social media pages with the posts reaching as far as Queensland.