Blast for kids

Blast for kids

Dalton Briggs from Armadale tries batting. Photograph - Robyn Molloy.
Dalton Briggs from Armadale tries batting. Photograph - Robyn Molloy.

Fifty budding cricketers turned out to the T20 blast come and try day at Armadale cricket club last Thursday.

They joined more than 2800 juniors across Perth who now play the exciting modified game.

With music blaring and coordinators getting the juniors pumped it was a far cry from the more sedate and time extensive weekend matches but not unlike the adult T20.

Lasting for 90 minutes boys and girls aged seven to 11 years bat, bowl and field their way through every position.

It is the first time it has run at Armadale and will start officially this week but is the fourth season in WA.

Armadale cricket club president John Eddington was thrilled with the turnout and hoped word of mouth would spread about how much fun the T20 blast was for children and their families.

“Fifty kids plus their parents, grandparents and siblings certainly made it a great evening,” he said.

Cricket Australia junior participation specialist WA Tony Ashton said the T20 blast was played on a smaller field, equipment was supplied and the coloured clothing mimicked T20 cricket.

“It’s an exciting atmosphere complete with music and dancing just like the KFC T20 big bash league,” he said.

Children can play at Gwynne park, Armadale on Thursdays from 5pm to 6.30pm and a sausage sizzle will follow this week’s blast.

It is also played at Sutherlands park, Huntingdale on Fridays.

Call Terry Pass on 0401 610 158 for more details about Armadale or visit