New centre boosts results

New centre boosts results

The opening of the Kip McGrath Education Centre was an opportunity for parents and students to learn more about the centre. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

More than 30 people attended the grand opening of the Kip McGrath Education Centre in Gosnells on May 11.

The education centre, which has been operating in the area for more than four years, has moved to larger premises on Albany Highway.

The opening also celebrated helping more than 250 students improving their scholastic results and boosting their self-esteem.

Kip McGrath Education Centre technical officer Philip Smith said the centre had received reports about students’ improved behaviour and attitude at school.

“Many children loose interest in learning because they find some learning areas too difficult,” he said.

“The good news is that this can be remedied.”

Mr Smith said each student’s learning program was planned based on his or her ability.

“We help them climb a ladder of progress in the area or areas that they have been struggling with,” he said.

“Some of our students have moved to the top of the class at school for the subject we have been covering through the Kip McGrath program.

“Others have caught up, rising two or three grade levels in aptitude for that subject after only one year of tuition.”

One parent said the Kip McGrath program had made a big impact on her daughter’s learning and attitude.

“Being in year 11 she was reluctant to attend the sessions,” she said.

“But after only two sessions my daughter’s attitude greatly improved and so did her grades.

“Now after 10 sessions she is enjoying the program and is willing to attend and even complete all the catch up sessions.

“I am very impressed with the program and the tutors are excellent.”

The Kip McGrath Education Centre in Gosnells takes students from pre-primary to high school and tutoring is available in English, maths and essay writing.

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