Skills to prepare for life

Skills to prepare for life

Businesswomen Vicki Clarkson and Sass Vlasich have recently launched their Skilled 4 Life program. Photograph – Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

Entrepreneurs Vicki Clarkson and Sass Vlasich launched their Skilled 4 Life workshop on May 16.

The program aimed to provide young people and adults with the practical life skills needed in today’s world.

It offered a wide range of training modules and workshops, which promote organisation and knowledge to allow participants to achieve the best of their potential.

Ms Clarkson and Ms Vlasich got together in January and have since been working on getting Skilled 4 Life ready.

Ms Vlasich said the program catered to young people in youth centres, people who are returning to the workforce including single mums, those who have just experienced a death in the family or have been through a divorce.

“It is a very fluid program and can change,” she said.

“It offers life skills and is developed in a 20-module training program.”

Ms Clarkson said the key was to start small.

“Start with a filing system,” she said.

“Make lists, be organised so you can be a little bit more in control.

“The idea is to get back to basics.”

Ms Clarkson said there were many young people who were unaware of how to sign up to a MyGov account, or apply for a Medicare card, or fully understand their rights in the workplace.

“Skilled 4 Life specialises in practical life and organisational skills,” she said.

“For teenagers, school leavers, women and men’s groups, businesses and staff and families.”

Maggie Burke who attended the launch said she had been blow away.

“The presentation was extraordinary,” she said.

“It is a great contribution to society and I am absolutely delighted.”

An organisational workshop on organising paperwork and life in general is being held in Kelmscott on June 14 from 10am until 11.30am.

Morning tea will be provided.

For more information call 0419 198 759 or visit