Sports on the cards for Labor

Sports on the cards for Labor

Upper house candidate Matthew Swinburne, Labor leader Mark McGowan, member for Darling Range Barry Urban, deputy leader Roger Cook and shire president John Erren with children representing Mundijong Serpentine Little Athletics Club, SJ Netball and Bushrangers Teeball. Photograph – Kelly Pilgrim-Byrne.

In the lead up to the March 11 state election Labor leader Mark McGowan has pledged to take steps to sublease the land required for the Mundijong Regional Sporting Complex to the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale.

Labor candidate for Darling Range Barry Urban and shire president John Erren joined Mr McGowan at the corner of Kiernan Street and South West Highway in Mundijong on Tuesday where the announcement was made.

The Mental Health Commission owns the land and the move to sublease it would allow the shire and the Department of Sport and Recreation to draw up plans to build the sports facility.

The sporting complex will include two AFL ovals, four rugby and soccer pitches, 16 netball courts, eight tennis courts, a recreation centre, a BMX track and parking and storage facilities.

Mr McGowan said the announcement was part of the Labor party’s fresh approach to the state.

Mr Urban said the area has been neglected and with the population of the shire set to grow a sporting complex was a must for the community.

“Darling Range has a proud sporting history with many successful teams and athletes,” he said.

“Creating a centralised venue for the many sports in the area will help athletes achieve excellence in their chosen sport.”

Member for Darling Range Tony Simpson said Mr Urban was aware he has been negotiating with the Minister for Lands and Mental Health on behalf of the council for this parcel of land.

“We are now in the final stages of this process,” he said.

“We are sealing this deal.”

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