Cockburn to Armadale light rail on the agenda

Cockburn to Armadale light rail on the agenda

Opposition leader Mark McGowan with south eastern suburbs Labor members and candidates in Piara Waters at the light rail feasibility study announcement. Photograph – Hamish Hastie.

East west public transport is in the sights of WA Labor who last week promised to conduct a feasibility study into a light rail route linking Armadale to Cockburn along Armadale Road if elected in March.

Opposition leader Mark McGowan visited Piara Waters on January 12 to announce the study, which he said would begin within this year if his party is elected.

The study comes as part of the commitment the party made earlier this month to scrap the Roe 8 highway extension and instead spend some of the money on the North Lake Road Bridge and bringing forward the Armadale Road widening.

Mr McGowan said discussions with land owners, developers and public transport experts suggested light rail could be viable with developers included in the financing of the project.

“A lot of people drive that east west link (and they) have been neglected over the year,” he said.

“Traffic congestion in this corridor is only getting worse with hundreds of new residents moving into the area on a frequent basis.

“This is about thinking and planning for quality public transport routes while development is still being undertaken.

“This is to make sure we can leave that opportunity for light rail along that route.

“The installation of the Armadale and North Lake Road bridge and the upgrading of Armadale road allows for us to do this.”

Mr McGowan said a light rail link could provide better public transport options for suburbs from Armadale to Cockburn including Piara Waters, Harrisdale, Southern River and Byford.

Armadale Road was identified as a high priority public transport corridor in the city wide Transport at 3.5million transport plan recently released by the state government.

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