Centre plays its part in reconciliation journey

Centre plays its part in reconciliation journey

Welcome to Country - From left teacher Amber Giles, mayor Teresa Lynes, elder Catherine Bynes and centre manager Anna Pattula.

Warooga Childcare Centre in Southern River launched its Reconciliation Action Plan last week.

“The centre was grateful to our local elder Catherine Bynes, together with mayor of City of Gosnells, Teresa Lynes, who were able to assist with the ceremony and together with the children helped us plant some native trees to provide a lasting commemoration of the day,” said director Philippa Everett.

Sharna Mamid, acting general manager of the Langford Aboriginal Association also attended.

“After the ceremony we were able to have an informal discussion with our guests, who provided valuable feedback on the high quality of our programs and we listened to suggestions for our ongoing reflection and improvement,” Ms Everett said.

“Warooga Child Care Centre recognises that we all have a part to play in the journey to reconciliation and our centre is dedicated to being at the forefront of change in our community and beyond.

“The Warooga Childcare reconciliation action plan was endorsed by reconciliation Australia in September 2022 and from there our vision for reconciliation was created.

“We have since liaised with Sharna Mamid to find meaningful and respectful ways to plan and deliver programs to our children and assist our Educators in the reconciliation process.”