‘I had a cancer scare’

‘I had a cancer scare’


A German Barbecue festival was held in Roleystone on Tuesday to raise money for the charity Cure Cancer.

Held by Seven Sins Restaurant and Cure Cancer Ambassador Blake Proud, the event saw families and residents from across Armadale come together and raise money for vital cancer research.

Cure Cancer holds a national awareness and fundraising campaign called BarbeCURE every year.

During the last four years BarbeCURE has raised more than $870,000 and funded more than 17,000 hours of research.

This year Cure Cancer aims to reach their $1 million target.

Local restaurant owner Seb Sindermann held the event at his Restaurant Seven Sins in Roleystone with Mr Proud.

“My wife and I wife both lost someone we love to cancer,” Mr Sindermann said.

“We have four children and love the fact that Cure Cancer supports young minds, with new and interesting ideas.

“We thought why not use our restaurant and chefs to help raise funds for the future of cancer prevention and treatment and serve something we cook well and put something on for the local community at the same time.”

Mr Proud said most people have experienced and can understand the devastating effects cancer has on people and their families.

“I have recently had a cancer scare, have experienced it in my family and I have witnessed some friends experience it,” he said.

“It doesn’t care how old you are, where you come from, what gender you are. It comes in all different forms, shapes and sizes all equally as devastating.

“As the search continues for a cure so does the urgent need for funding so get behind a great cause and help find the cure for cancer.”

The barbecue on Tuesday included face painting and games for the kids, making the event a huge success.

If you want to donate to the event visit https://curecancer.grassrootz.com/barbecure-2020-2021/seven-sins-perth-hills

Or Find out how to host your own BarbeCURE at www.barbecure.com.au