Serpentine sisters go the distance for RFDS

Serpentine sisters go the distance for RFDS

Serpentine woman Rosemary O’Hora and sister Ann McLeish have embarked on a 12-day walk for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Two sisters from Serpentine have embarked on a 225-kilometre walk this week to raise much-needed funds for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

On Wednesday, 65-year-old Rosemary O’Hora left Narrogin alongside her 75-year-old sister Ann McLeish bound for Newdegate – a trip they anticipate will take them 12 days.

The pair plans to stop in Wagin, Kukerin and Lake Grace, speaking to local students along the way about the importance of the aeromedical organisation.

The walk isn’t the first for Mrs McLeish, who has walked more than 750 kilometres for the not-for-profit organisation – raising close to $200,000 over the last decade.

Mrs O’Hora said distance had never been an obstacle for her older sister, who used to ride her pushbike from Fremantle to Serpentine in the 1960s just to spend the weekend with her four younger siblings.

Mrs McLeish’s fundraising effort has fast become a family affair, with her siblings lending a helping hand by rattling tins, baking and hosting quiz nights.

“A few members of the family have utilised the service before and we all travel a lot so we appreciate just how invaluable the Royal Flying Doctor Service is,” she said.

“We all have fun fundraising, too.

“Reaching $200,000 is a really important milestone, so it didn’t take much convincing to participate in the walk alongside my sister.”

Over the past few weeks, Mrs O’Hora said both she and her sister had been hiking and walking wherever they could to prepare for the long journey – which they hope will have reasonable weather conditions and plenty of wildflowers.