Kelvin Road facility endorsed by council

Kelvin Road facility endorsed by council

A new Operations Centre is proposed to be built at the city’s remediated waste site at Kelvin Road, Orange Grove to replace the current ageing facility at Maddington.

Local residents have expressed their outrage after the City of Gosnells endorsed the proposed re-use of the current Building Material Recycling Facility at Kelvin Road
Waste Disposal site as the new operations centre, animal pound and rapid waste transfer station.

Residents from Orange Grove and Wattle Grove raised their concerns during the regular council meeting on Tuesday night, citing concerns over increased traffic into Orange Grove, animal pound noise and Waste Transfer Station odour.

The public consultation period in relation to the development of the former Kelvin Road Waste Disposal Site and trotting track for use as a public space, a rural residential subdivision and operations centre closed on May 28.

While 23 residents voted against the development of the operations centre, 14 people from outside the area voted in favour.

Wattle Groove resident Andrea Balfe said she objected to the Operations Waste Facility Centre and animal pound because she believed it clashed with the rural character of the area.

“The proposal for the site, conflicts with the surrounding Foothills rural area, withholding values of protecting, conserving and enhancing the rural amenity, including Wattle Grove,” she said.

“Site equipment noise and vehicle noise transmission will gravely affect the surrounding rural area.

“The animal pound noise of the dogs barking will travel, and in particular in a rural area at night where it is normally very quiet through here.

“The new waste transfer station will no doubt omit odours to the immediate and surrounding areas.

“People choose to live in rural areas for the reason they are not subjected to this type of construction.

“The City of Gosnells must realise that the people were already here and it is completely unfair and unjustified to impose this on their lifestyle, one that most have
paid a lot of hard-earned money to enjoy.

“This will no doubt devalue or properties and create unnecessary financial and personal

Director of Infrastructure Martyn Glover said a top grinder will be the nosiest machine that will ever operate on site.

Council officers said the operations centre and animal pound will be located on the western section of the site, below an embankment that will act as a natural barrier between the operations centre and properties to the north and northeast.

The waste transfer station will be located on the upper level of the site as there is no natural barrier other than the vegetation buffer, a noise barrier will need to be installed.

While councillor Adam Hort said he understood the residents’ concerns, he said it had been long known that there was going to be action on the site.

Deputy mayor Peter Abetz said he visited the area and noticed that the entry of the facility was close to Tonkin Highway.

“It has minimal impact on anyone because they won’t actually hear these vehicles,” he said.

“It is 200m from Tonkin Highway.

“The garbage is going to be dumped in a way that these issues will not be materialised.”

The City of Kalamunda presented a report to Gosnells council and it was confirmed that they did not support the operations centre but supported a public space area (Kelvin Road Parklands) which was also endorsed by council this week.