Colourful art centre of Harmony Day celebrations

Colourful art centre of Harmony Day celebrations

Hadi Rahimi, Lydia Soar and Art vs Depression founder Gavin “Gracey” Grace. Photograph – Richard Polden.

A five metre canvas portraying young people from diverse backgrounds was the focus of this year’s Harmony Day celebrations at a mental health service. 

Headspace Armadale hosted its Harmony Day event last Sunday which also included face painting, live music by Bermuda Lights and various sporting and activities for attendees of all ages. 

About 35 people came together to paint the mural, which, once completed, will be displayed throughout the Armadale area before ending up at Headspace Armadale. 

About 35 people helped out with the artwork which will soon travel the Armadale area. Photograph – Richard Polden.

Arts vs Depression founder Gavin Grace brought his expertise to the centre while volunteers from Armadale Rotary Club slaved over a hot barbecue to cook a free lunch for everyone involved. 

Youth engagement worker Michelle Ng said the event created an opportunity to celebrate Australia’s vibrant multi-cultural country and the valuable contributions of our culturally and linguistically diverse communities. 

“It was also an avenue to talk about mental health within culturally and linguistically diverse communities and help to reduce the stigma associated to accessing support services,” she said. 

“Research has highlighted that engagement with mental health services are much lower for those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. 

“Currently, half of the Australian population was born overseas or has at least one parent who was born overseas. However, recent headspace national reports suggest only 10 per cent of young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds have accessed their services in the past year.”