Last chance to drum up votes

Last chance to drum up votes

Liberal candidate Andrew Hastie with Foreign Minister Julie Bishop in Byford this morning.

Liberal candidate Andrew Hastie turned out to Byford today supported by his family and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, as Canning electors hit the polls.

Speaking at Serpentine Jarrahdale recreation centre this morning, Mr Hastie said he looked forward to representing the local community and the recent change in leadership had not changed that.

He said he had received the support of the new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, who called him this morning to wish him well.

“From day one this has been about local issues and nothing has changed in that sense,” he said.

Ms Bishop also refused to speculate on the effect the change in leadership would have on Mr Hastie’s chances, saying the by-election was not about changing government but about replacing the ‘popular’ Don Randall following his death in July.

She said the Prime Minister had not visited the electorate since taking the top job on Monday because he was busy assembling his new cabinet.

Early polls suggest the change in leadership has been positive for Mr Hastie with the Liberal’s holding 57 to Labor’s 43 on a two party preferred basis compared to a poll taken last week before the spill showing Liberal’s 52-48.