Smoke shop falls off cloud 9 amid charges and seizures

Smoke shop falls off cloud 9 amid charges and seizures

Sue Scarcella and Mini Taylor opposed the opening of the Cloud 9 smoke shop in Armadale last year over fears it would be a magnet for suspicious activity. Photograph – Matt Devlin.

An Armadale smoke shop was one of six in the Perth metropolitan area to be investigated by police over the past eight months resulting in 314 drugs and psychoactive substance charges against 18 people.

Police started investigating the Cloud 9 chain of stories in November and conducted warrants at the stories in November, January, February, March and July.

These searches resulted in the seizure of 4573 items taken for further analysis and the subsequent investigation resulted in the raft of charges.

Of the 18 charged none were from Armadale.

A 33-year-old man was charged with 11 counts of possessing with intent to sell or supply, 143 counts of selling a prohibited drug and one count of unlawful possession of cash.

Metropolitan Region North acting commander Mary Brown said the charges were a result of a protracted and complex investigation into the sale of psychoactive substances in the community.

“Police and the Mental Health Commission worked with retailers before the psychoactive substances legislation was introduced in an effort to educate them about their responsibilities under the new laws,” she said.

“These substances are of significant concern to police, health groups and the broader public, and as such have been and continue to be a focus for WA Police.”

Acting Cdr Brown said as with all illicit drugs the long-term health impacts could vary and be severe.

The accused were all charged by summons and court dates and locations were yet to be confirmed.

The Armadale store opened in May last year to community opposition.

If anyone has any questions about their own or their loved one’s alcohol and drug use they could call alcohol and drug support line on 9442 5000 or 1800 198 024 for free, confidential counselling, support and referral 24/7.

Parents could also call the parent and family drug support line on 9442 5000 or 1800 653 203.