You want to auction what?

You want to auction what?

Literacy coordinator Fiona Goodlet, principal Donna McDonald and Michelle D’agnone. Photograph — Richard Polden.

Morning tea for Thornlie Senior High School means more than just drinking tea as the school is holding a fundraiser to collect funds for the Cancer Council.

After having two staff members diagnosed with cancer in the past year, staff members feel deeply connected to this auction and are hoping this will empower staff and students to “engage, inspire and achieve”.

Staff could bid on and win a member of the administration team who would then have to come into the class and teach a lesson for them.

On Monday principal Donna McDonald took a year 10 class and taught poetry as part of the event.

“I am a trained English and Science teacher, so was delighted I was ‘sold’ into my area of expertise,” she said.

“I believe words have the power to allow us to experience and appreciate a world beyond our own.”

Mrs McDonald feels more than connected to the fundraiser as she lost both her husband and her daughter-in-law to cancer.

“As a principal I have worked with five cancer survivors in recent years,” she said.

“Each one of these amazing people travelled a very different pathway to recovery from their cancers.

“I also find events such as the Biggest Morning Tea brings people together and helps remind us we are not alone when faced with the challenges brought into our lives when a cancer diagnosis touches our lives.”

There are four other deputies all of whom will be returning to the classroom to teach students.

In most cases it means teaching outside of their subject area.

Senior English teacher and literacy coordinator Fiona Goodlet’s best friend was diagnosed with breast cancer and her survival journey continues three years later.

“The morning tea brings staff together and provides an opportunity to not only have some fabulous food but to raise money for an incredibly important cause,” she said.