Streets to be named after Gosnells soldiers

Streets to be named after Gosnells soldiers

Two fallen soldiers from Gosnells will be honoured in different streets of the city.

It’s taken nearly three years, but Member for South Metropolitan Region Pierre Yang was more than happy with the news he received on August 13 after his motion to honour two soldiers from the Gosnells area was attained by City of Gosnells council.

In 2016 Mr Yang, a former Gosnells councillor, was notified there were some streets in the region named after WWI and WWII soldiers but there were two fallen men not recognised.

After some research he was notified the men were 22-year-old Private James Webster, of Orange Grove, and 19-year-old Private Allen Head, of Gosnells.

Private Head was killed in 1952 while fighting in the Korean War whilst Private Webster served in the Vietnam War and was killed in action.

In October 25, 2016 he moved a motion in council to honour the two by naming two streets after them.

During the council meeting members voted to name a street in Beckenham after Private Head.

Mr Yang, who is also a member of the Gosnells RSL, was told council was actively looking into also naming a street after Private Webster in the near future.

“It won’t be too long that we will be coming back and waiting for the motion to endorse a recommendation to name a street to honour Mr Webster,” he said.

“I am very glad that a street will be named after Private Head to honour him.

“I have also notified the Gosnells RSL and they are very happy to hear the news as well.”