Shire spins the wheel for BMX track funding, but Rec Centre misses...

Shire spins the wheel for BMX track funding, but Rec Centre misses out for now

Thousands of people from all over the state came to Byford in April for a ‘flawless’ round of the 2024 AusCycling State BMX Series. Photograph – Paul from Still Framed Photography.

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale has just missed the boat on applying for a $15 million federal grant to expand the Rec Centre.

The expansion of the SJ Recreation Centre with two additional indoor basketball/netball courts was endorsed as a 2025 state and federal election priority in June last year.

External consultants are currently working to develop a full business case and cost benefit analysis for the Rec Centre to help the shire advocate for funding during the usual cycle of election promises.

Shire officers have said they anticipate the concept design for the Rec Centre extension, and the Briggs Park Masterplan will be completed by the end of next month.

But that’s a month too late to apply for the first round of Thriving Suburbs Program (TSP) grants, which will close to new submissions on Monday.

But all is not lost.

The shire will still throw its hat in that ring, but for financial help to build the new BMX facilities at Kiernan Park.

If that bid proved successful, the BMX track could be built at the same time as the ovals and pavilion in stage 1A of the project – a huge relief for the Byford BMX Club which has waited years for a new home.

And with another 12 months up its sleeve until submissions open for the next round, the shire will have time to find the $4.5 million for its mandated 30 percent co-contribution to Rec Centre project through the Thriving Suburbs Program.

The shire has also committed to making a play for a grant under the federal government’s Urban Precinct Partnerships Program to fund the netball courts and BMX track (1B and 1C) at Kiernan Park.

The Visitors’ Centre in Jarrahdale was another election priority endorsed by the council at last year’s June council meeting. But there is no word yet about the advocacy direction the shire intends to take on that project.