Premier to attend south east meetings

Premier to attend south east meetings

Member for Southern River Terry Healy and Member for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai have encouraged residents to attend the government’s first community cabinet.

Premier Mark McGowan and his cabinet are set to conduct a public forum at Canning Vale College on August 21 to discuss local issues affecting people living in the southeast.

Residents have been invited to register to attend the forum and participate in discussions on topics including jobs, transport, health and schools.

The town hall meeting will conclude the State Government’s first community cabinet series of events held jointly in Jandakot and Southern River.

The meetings will involve ministers meeting with schools, community and sporting groups, conducting community consultations and touring the electorate with local members of Parliament.

Member for Jandakot Yaz Mubarakai said he would encourage community members to take part in this unique opportunity to provide feedback directly to ministers about local issues, which matter to them.

“I know Jandakot residents are very engaged with local issues, particularly around transport, safety and security,” he said.

“This town hall meeting is a great way for attendees to be a voice for their community and to see democracy in action.”

Member for Southern River Terry Healy said following the high level of engagement from community members at the recent Metronet community consultation, the town hall meeting was a great opportunity for Southern River residents to engage directly with senior ministers about local issues which were important to them.

“I would encourage residents to attend and get involved and come along to the government’s first community cabinet,” he said.

To RSVP fill in the online form at or call 9256 4900 or 9310 8777.