Peak at City of Canning art awards

Peak at City of Canning art awards

City of Canning events coordinator Kelsie Koontz with Canning mayor Paul Ng at the Act Belong Commit Canning Art Awards in Stockland Riverton. Photograph — Matt Devlin.

CAN-Art-awards-2Winners of the Act Belong Commit Canning Art Awards were announced in a presentation at Stockland Riverton on June 10.

Selections of artworks from the awards were available to view at Stockland Riverton from 10am to 4pm until June 19 with all available for purchase.

Mayor Paul Ng said the standard of entries was again impressive and he congratulated the artists who took part.

Artists competed for a share of the $9000 in prizes.

“The awards are an important part of our community identity and I thank the artists for adding to that rich history,” he said.