New cycling network gets green light

New cycling network gets green light

The Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) was approved by council.

The City of Gosnells unanimously supported the Long-Term Cycle Network (LTCN) during its regular council meeting on Tuesday night.

The aspirational plan will form part of the broader Department of Transport’s Perth and Peel bike network plan for the future.

As part of the LTCN, the city was requested to identify cycling routes that link parks,
schools, community facilities and transport services, that could make cycling a convenient and viable transport option.

The city produced an LTCN for Gosnells which is based on a three-tier route hierarchy of primary routes, secondary routes and local routes adopted by the Department of Transport.

The endorsed LTCN across the Perth metropolitan region and Peel region can assist in
leveraging additional funding for bicycle infrastructure.

Mayor David Goode said the LTCN was a great development for the city, especially with
more people cycling as COVID-19 restrictions are easing in the state.

Councillor Adam Hort welcomed the plans to the city and said a lot of people in the community were already very interested.

“I posted a picture on my social media page with the final LTCN draft and it’s received many comments and 1000s of engagements.

“People are really interested in this.

“But people’s concerns are that it needs to be maintained and it needs to be safe.”

The completed plans are expected to be finalised in 20 years while the main components will be completed within a decade.