Students thank our police

Students thank our police

Gwynne Park Primary School year 1 students Zander Finnie, Aiyanna Cooper, Andrea Espanol and Hunter Tipene. Photograph — Aaron Van Rongen.

Officers at Armadale Police Station received a pleasant surprise last week after being delivered more than a dozen handwritten letters of appreciation from some of their youngest fans.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, year 1 students at Armadale’s Gwynne Park Primary had spent much of this term learning about essential workers and the vital role they play – particularly in times of crisis.

The 20 students were particularly excited by the work of police officers and teacher Kristyn Reedman decided it was the perfect opportunity to give back.

The students soon put pen to paper, detailing how grateful they were for the efforts of our local officers and drawing colourful illustrations of themselves alongside their superheroes in uniform.

Those letters were bundled up and delivered straight to the hardworking officers at Armadale Police Station, much to the delight of the local students.

Although some of those in the class are as young as six, Ms Reedman said each and every one of them were conscious of the important roles officers play in the community and were eager to show their appreciation.

“The kids were just so excited, so we decided to write thank you letters to the police officers acknowledging what they’d done and how grateful we are for what they do for the Armadale community,” she said.

“We also had a discussion about what would happen if we didn’t have police officers – they’re year 1, but they’re very conscious of the role officers play.

“The students spent time decorating the letter, colouring in a police officer and drawing a picture of themselves, too.

“I told the students I had taken them to the officers and they were so excited and kept saying ‘Did they actually see them?’.”

And that they did.

Officers from Armadale Police Station took to social media to thank the class for taking the time to write the handwritten messages, and said it was gestures like that that made the job even more rewarding.

The letters were also well-received by members of the community, who praised the efforts of the students and Ms Reedman.

Ms Reedman said the students were delighted to hear the letters had been so well received and that the post proved it was the simple gestures that could really brighten ones day.

“Even though they’re in year 1, they’re still aware of social media,” she said.

“When I told them the station had posted them to Facebook, the kids were ecstatic.

“I wasn’t expecting that kind of a response at all.

“You do it because it’s the right thing to do and because this is a time in which it’s needed.

“I think that something like this, especially coming from the kids, can really brighten your day.

“It’s about reminding them that they’re appreciated.

“It’s important that they know the next generation are grateful and appreciate what they do.

“Because of the discussions we’ve had, a lot of the students have voiced a desire to become police officers so that they can help those in the community.”