“My son Clay won’t have died in vain”

“My son Clay won’t have died in vain”

Tracey Perry is walking 60kms across October to raise money for Black Dog Institute.

One mother is on a mission to raise awareness around mental health and suicide prevention.

Gosnells local Tracey Perry is walking 60kms over the month of October to raise money for the Black Dog Institute in memory of her son Clay, who passed away last year.

“If one person is helped by either the funds or the awareness my son Clay won’t have died in vain,” Ms Perry said.

So far Ms Perry has walked 54kms, mostly through bush walking however she began two weeks quarantine last week with her grandchildren who arrived from Brisbane.

“I’ve now been at home on the treadmill and walking around the house with the kids, making a game out of it,” she said.

She began the month walking through tracks in Serpentine Jarrahdale, Armadale and Gosnells to reach her goal.

“I saw one foot forward online but also have donated to the Black Dog Institute for many years,” she said.

“One-foot forward is a way for people with mental health and suicide ideations to get out in the community and to raise awareness.

“Relatives and friends who have lost loved ones or are dealing with people suffering with mental health get the chance to make a difference.

“Our loss will always be heartbreaking and overwhelming at times.”

Ms Perry said two of her sons have paranoid schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. She has tried to research and give unconditional love and support to both of them.

“Sadly, I lost Clay to suicide on October 13 last year,” she said.

The Black Dog Institute helps with resources, therapy, support, information, links to external support and help reduce the stigma of mental health.

“Everyone at some time struggles and this helps sufferers realise they are no different to anyone else,” Ms Perry said.

For more information visit https://www.onefootforward.org.au/fundraisers/traceyperry?

People wishing to donate can scan the QR code to open Tracey’s profile, or visit the website linked above.