Mia moves to the beat

Mia moves to the beat

Mia Rodio with her drum kit before her performance at Carey Baptist College in Forestdale. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

A talented grade three student from Carey Baptist College in Forestdale showed off her skills on the drums last week as she performed a solo at a school recital.

Mia Rodio has only been playing drums since term two of this year, inspired by her dad and uncle who both play.

Her mum Christina Rodio said Mia just loves it.

“One day Mia came home and said she wanted to play drums so we put her in the class and that was it,” she said.

“She learns at school and then practises at home, so she has a lesson once a week with her teacher Sam Newman.”

Despite being in grade three, Mia has been learning similar beats and rhythms to the upper school students.

Last Thursday, November 11, Mia put on a spectacular performance at her school as part of a school concert.

“She played the song My Hero by the Foo Fighters because it’s my favourite song so she decided to choose that,” Mrs Rodio said.

“They’ve been doing private music recitals for six years but this year is the first year they’ve started to include the drums in the recital.”
According to Mrs Rodio, Mia’s favourite thing about playing is the freedom it gives her.

“I think at their age they have a lot of pressure on them and it’s really difficult sometimes and their trying to navigate friendships and school,” she said.

“When she gets on the drums and just plays, she feels free and she doesn’t have to think about anything else.”

Mia’s become a lot more confident and she felt really good after her performance.

“She said I felt so good being able to get up there and play, I didn’t make any mistakes and then I got a huge round of applause so she said she felt really proud of herself,” Mrs Rodio said.

“She’s been quite shy and self-conscious in the past so I think it’s good because the music has sort of brought her out a bit.”

The sky’s the limit for Mia, as Mrs Rodio said she’s not stopping any time soon.