Climate change an issue

Climate change an issue

Greens candidate for Canning Aeron Blundell-Camden.

Greens candidate for Canning Aeron Blundell-Camden has pointed to health, education, climate change and transport as the biggest issues facing residents throughout the electorate.

Mr Blundell-Camden moved to Perth’s northern suburbs a few weeks before his preselection but said he has worked and lived in Mandurah his whole life so he understood the issues.

Working as a school psychologist in some of the Peel region’s most disadvantaged schools, Mr Blundell-Camden said it showed him the importance of well resourced schools and hospitals and he would fight any cuts to those services.

“Given my background in education and mental health, those are definitely priorities,” he said.

“Making sure there’s enough funding so it’s a very well funded well resourced system of education and health.”

He said climate change was also a great concern for bushfire prone areas like Roleystone, Serpentine and Jarrahdale.

“Having lived in Mandurah I’m very concerned about that especially because Mandurah is mostly a very low lying community,” he said.

“Renewable energies are part and parcel of addressing that like tax breaks for battery storage and looking at funding for community solar projects.”

He said Byford was also missing out on good transport links to the rest of the city and he would fight for the infrastructure to improve that.

Mr Blundell-Camden’s family has always been a part of the Greens and he has been a member since he was a child except for a short stint with the Labor Party.

“They were there in the early days of the formation of the Greens,” he said.

“When I was 16, I ended up joining the Labor Party and switched back over to the Greens when I was in my mid 20s.

“I became disillusioned with the pragmatism of big party politics and the fractured nature of it with all the factions and whatnot.”