Flying acts leave you awestruck

Flying acts leave you awestruck

The dogs are eager to please.
Wheel of death.
Wheel of death.

Circus exploits on the wheel of death will not fail to make you nervous with the tricks getting more and more daring as the act progresses.

From running around the outside of the wheel to performing flips and acrobatics, these feats are almost as good as it gets for edge of your seat drama.

In your heart you know that if the performers come off, there is no where safe to land.

That nerve racking feeling and jaw dropping fun is all part of the show at Circus Joseph Ashton, which is under the big top in Armadale until November 15.

Joseph Ashton.
Joseph Ashton.

The anxiousness doesn’t end with the wheel of death – it is just the beginning as there is flying trapeze, aerial fantasy and slackwire walking.

Fifth, sixth and seventh generation members of the Ashton family make up the show with ages ranging from toddlers to grandparents.

Joseph Ashton heads the family crew and is an amazing performer in his own right and is said to be one of the best wheel of death performers in the world.

His wife Michelle and sons Jordan and Merrick are just some of the Ashtons in the show.

Defying activists’ attempts to ban animals from circuses, dogs and horses are part of the family show as well.

Four stunning buckskin horses gracefully make their way around the ring in unison.

But the favourite would have to be the dappled grey horse and pony, who match in markings but not in size.

Watching the pony stand between the front legs of the much larger horse is quite stunning and their rapport oozes charm.

Three dogs play roles as well and clearly love their part of the show and are eager to please.

While the show is family run and a small affair it is big on entertainment, quality of performance and value for money.

A ringmaster to introduce the show in person rather than voiceover and some clowns at the start wouldn’t go astray but the quality of the acts makes up for the minor shortfalls.

Ringside seats are the best option for viewing but for a cheaper option take the side seats, where for little more than the cost of movie tickets you get two hours of live entertainment and are still close enough to the action to not miss a thing.

Adult tickets range from $20 to $40 whilst child tickets range from $15 to $30.
The circus is on the corner of Armadale and Abbey roads, Armadale.

Park at the shopping centre, walk or ride your bike.

To book tickets visit or call the circus hotline on 0411 302 095.

Goldie the clown reflects on her final clowning days.

Ashton brothers.
Ashton brothers Merrick and Jordan.