Canning rates notices late due to IT fault

Canning rates notices late due to IT fault

Rate notices will be out on Saturday, August 31.

The City of Canning’ Chief executive officer, Michael Littleton, has confirmed rate notices will be issued at the end of this month on August 31.

Speaking at the latest council meeting on Tuesday night, Mr Littleton explained that this year’s delays are due to resolving the IT issues they encountered with the eRates issuing system last year.

“We are certainly aware that our eRates registration had some difficulties last year. We are doing all we can to make sure those issues are addressed and actioned this year,” Littleton said.

“The reason why we have a delay in our rates issue this year, compared to last year, we’ve actually transitioned to a new platform, which is TechOne, so to enable that data migration to happen effectively from the old system to the new, is why we actually saw a little bit of a delay in the issuing of rates this year compared to last.”

Mr. Littleton reassured ratepayers that the City is committed to ensuring the new system works flawlessly.

“Will we get it absolutely right, given all of the work we are doing around a new system? Absolutely.”

The City of Canning’s 2024-2025 Annual Budget includes an average rate increase of $1.37 per week for ratepayers, with a 50 per cent discount for pensioners.

Residents experiencing financial hardship are encouraged to contact the City to discuss alternative payment arrangements.