Canning councillors to run against Labor

Canning councillors to run against Labor

City of Canning Mayor Patrick Hall and Deputy Mayor Amanda Spencer-Teo will contest the next federal and state elections.

Canning’s mayor and deputy mayor have put their hands up for the next Federal and State elections hoping to take seats from Labor.

A source said mayor Patrick Hall, a former police officer, had joined the Liberal Party and was bidding for the seat of Tangney.

The source said Mr Hall was committed to the nominating process which closes on February 28.

Deputy mayor Councillor Amanda Spencer-Teo announced her nomination for the State seat of Riverton on September 22.

It is currently held for Labor by Dr Jags Krishnan.

Tangney is currently held by Sam Lim and is shaping up as the best hope of the Liberals regaining ground from Labor.

In the 2022 election, Mr Lim, also a former police officer, unseated Liberal Ben Morton with a swing of almost 12 per cent.

Mr Lim holds the seat with a margin of 2.4 per cent which the Liberals are confident they can close.

Mr Hall was elected mayor less than three months ago.

Mr Krishnan won the traditional Liberal seat of Riverton with a margin of 9 per cent.

It was previously held by the Liberals on margin of 4.2 per cent.

Ms Spencer-Teo was asked for comment but hadn’t replied by publishing time.

Curtin University government expert Dr Andy Asquith said the councillors are elected as independents.

“Wearing a political badge shows a marked degree of a lack of transparency,” he said.

“Generally, people distrust politicians and no one is going to believe them.

“Candidates need to be open and honest and show greater engagement with the public.”