Are you missing out on unclaimed money?

Are you missing out on unclaimed money?


The state government is encouraging Western Australians to check the WA Register of Unclaimed Money, as they could be missing out on lost or forgotten money.

Over $170 million of lost or forgotten money is sitting unclaimed, and the register has recently been updated with around 147,000 new records added.

The unclaimed money comes from WA-based organisations that were unable to return funds to their rightful owners, typically related to dividend payments, rental bonds, vehicle licences, utility overpayments, and education provider refunds.

With over $2 million returned to the pockets of rightful owners last financial year, Treasurer Rita Saffioti hopes more will be reclaimed and is encouraging Western Australians to take a moment to check the register.

“The WA Register of Unclaimed Money continues to grow, and there would be many Western Australians who wouldn’t be aware of outstanding money owed to them,” Ms Saffioti said.

“It’s very easy to check the register online or via the ServiceWA app, so I encourage all Western Australians to take these simple steps and check if they’re entitled to any of the funds.

“Importantly, in Western Australia, there is no time limit to claim funds, and there are no fees charged for returning money to the rightful owners.”

Two of the largest individual unclaimed amounts are around $185,000 and $165,000.

To check the register, go to or use the ServiceWA app.