CCTV grant aimed at reducing Gosnells crime

CCTV grant aimed at reducing Gosnells crime

The funding grant towards the installation of CCTV cameras will help make Gosnells safer from incidents such as hooning.

Senator Linda Reynolds announced last month a $200,00 grant towards the installation of CCTV cameras in Gosnells as part of the Federal Government’s election commitment.

Ms Reynolds said she had advocated with former Liberal candidate for Burt Matt O’Sullivan for the funding and was delighted to see it delivered under the Safer Communities Fund designed to boost community safety across Australia.

“Every Australian has the right to feel safe,” she said.

“Whether it’s in their own homes or out in the community.

“As well all know CCTV and security infrastructure has been a pivotal factor in both solving and preventing crimes and ensuring safer communities.”

Ms Reynolds said prior to the commitment residents at Amaroo were targeted by a series of break-ins and thefts.

“With CCTV footage and sensor lighting installed places such as Amaroo Village have a better chance of deterring these criminals,” she said.

“They will also be able to provide more evidence to the police.”

City of Gosnells deputy mayor Julie Brown said the city was grateful for the funding as it presented an opportunity for the city to be proactive about community safety.

“The City of Gosnells is committed to making the community a safer place for everyone,” she said.

“This funding enables us to significantly boost coverage of public spaces which can assist police with investigations into any criminal activity in the vicinity of the cameras.”

The Safer Communities Fund is a grassroots level grant program to assist local communities address crime and anti-social behaviour and to support crime prevention initiatives to keep streets and communities safe.

Minister for Justice Michael Keenan said under the fund local councils and community organisations would receive funding to boost their crime prevention initiatives through the installation of fixed and mobile CCTV or lighting.

“Our top priority will always be to keep our citizens and communities safe,” he said.