Shelley Beach rumblings

Shelley Beach rumblings


The City of Canning will conduct a survey of Rossmoyne and Shelley residents to gauge support for a new café or restaurant in the Shelley Beach Park precinct.

Councillors agreed to conduct the survey, expected to cost between $15,000 and $20,000, at their October 18 ordinary council meeting.

The city will also seek proposals and quotations from consultants to develop a business feasibility analysis for the restaurant and wider master plan for the area.

Councillors Ben Kunze and Patrick Hall brought the notice of motion before council and said that Shelley Beach Park was an important community asset celebrated as the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of the city.

They said it was essential to make a plan for the precinct’s future.

“We believe that the careful management of the Shelley Beach Park precinct and the improvement of recreational amenities will offer significant benefits for the residents of Shelley and Rossmoyne and wider Canning community,” they said.

Director Infrastructure and Environment Steve Atwell said it was appropriate the city looked at the area.

“Recognising that it is now 14 years since the adoption of the 2002 Shelley Beach Development Plan, it is considered appropriate that the previous plan and the possible further activation of the site be reviewed at this time,” he said.

“The City has received a number of requests from the community to consider the establishment of a café or restaurant at the site.

“The Shelley Rossmoyne Residents and Ratepayers Association formally requested that the city survey the community in relation to the possible provision of a café at Shelley Beach Park at the City’s Annual General Meeting of Electors in January 2016.”

The city would fund the survey with the 2016-17 budget surplus.