Clubs may get cut

Clubs may get cut

Community clubs in the shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale could feel the consequences of the shire’s funding shortfall. Photograph – Aaron Van Rongen.

Reports from a document presented at a council meeting on September 27 showed the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale had a $22.45 million funding shortfall and as a result the shire may consider scrapping subsidies to clubs and community groups.

Shire president John Erren said the building assets management plan within the shire identified inequity with access and use of facilities across community groups.

“Some groups make substantial contributions to the cost of community facilities while other groups are making little or no contribution,” he said.

“The shire will be working closely with all community groups to ensure that all groups have fair, transparent and equitable access to facilities.”

Mr Erren did not say how the funding shortfall had been allowed to happen and why it had only just been picked up.

He said the report also identified a large future cost of maintaining facilities as the community grows and more facilities are developed.

“The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale is the fastest growing locality in the nation,” he said.

“We are striving to balance the natural beauty of the area with the need for sustainable infrastructure growth.

“The provision of quality infrastructure includes a component of maintaining and renewing what is already in place as well as developing new infrastructure to meet future community needs.”

A gap of $5.8 million for priority operational maintenance costs was identified and a further $5 million shortfall is estimated for the building renewal programs of existing buildings and $8.2 million is needed for new buildings outlined in the community facilities plan and a further estimated $3.4 million is expected for upgrade and renewal works.

Mr Erren said the community groups would be given open and honest communication from the shire to solve the issues together.

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